The Designer Nori range has finally arrived into the Sushi World…taking Sushi to another level!
For now they are still a work of art from a laser beam developed by an ad agency for a seaweed shop, ‘design nori’ is a series of laser-cut seaweed .The project was commissioned to respark the sale of nori following the tsunami in japan of 2011.
Because of the precision required in the cutting process, the seaweed itself is a thicker variety…but rolling these into Futomaki will require good rolling and above all, good cutting skills!!! Will they look as nice once sliced? I think they are ideal for the Australian style of Futomaki, where they actually eat a half roll alone…they dont bother with the slicing…eheh!
I can imagine that in a couple of years, we will be ready to have these custom made…mmm…maybe a new business venture here!
At present they retail in Japan and at an art exhibition for around $10 each…Aouch!
Only negative point for me…Nori is actually awsome for health benefits and removing a good chunk of it …kind of removes some of the Sushi health benefits too…
Enjoy the classy Sushi making!